Fun Prairie "Rink Rangers" Adopt an Ice Rink Volunteer Program
Calling all volunteers!
The City of Sun Prairie Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department typically maintains three ice rinks – two of which have liner systems (Wetmore Park & Renstone Park) and one which the bare ground is flooded (Wetmore Park). However, due to Wetmore Park being an active construction zone during the 2023-2024 skating season, there will be no rinks located at that site. Instead, the Wetmore ice rink liner system will be moved to Stoneridge Estates Park for the 2023-2024 skating season. The liner systems significantly improve the quality of the ice and the duration of the ice skating season. However, the liner systems also require additional maintenance, time and attention that a traditional flooded rink does not require.
SPPRF is committed to providing high quality ice rink facilities, but due to the additional manual labor required combined with limited staffing resources, a community-supported volunteer program is critical to the success and future expansion of these facilities.
The “Rink Rangers” Adopt-an-Ice Rink Volunteer Program relies on volunteers to assist the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department with basic ice rink maintenance such as snow removal, flooding (trained volunteers only), general site cleanup, and other maintenance needs as identified.
Follow the prompts to sign up
Sign off that you have read the Rink Rangers volunteer manual
Attend the Rink Rangers training session – date TBA (new volunteers only; 2022-2023 Rink Rangers are welcome to attend, but it is not required)